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Giant Microbes Original Black Death Yersinia Pestis - Planet Microbe
Giant Microbes Original Black Death Yersinia Pestis - Planet Microbe
Giant Microbes Original Black Death Yersinia Pestis - Planet Microbe
Giant Microbes Original Black Death Yersinia Pestis - Planet Microbe

Giant Microbes Original Black Death Yersinia Pestis


Well, here is chirpy happy little fellow.  Giant Microbes - Black Death Yersinia Pestis as it is scientifically known

Our little cuddly fury friend here is often referred to as the Bubonic Plague, sounds delicious. This little beauty is 1 million times its real life size and thankfully harmless. Although please don't contact me if you contract this disease as I would have already left the country.

This is ideal for anyone interested or studying this type of subject, something a little different. Or maybe you just want to give someone you love the Bubonic Plague. And why not !!

This little beauty comes with its own printed card with educational and fascinating facts

FACTS: In October, 1347, the Black Death (then called the “pestilence”) arrived in the city of Messina in Sicily. The plague, which had been raging in Asia, had followed the trade routes and stowed away on ships returning from the Black Sea. By 1352, 25 million people – or a third of Europe’s population – were dead.

This was at least the second instance of a cataclysmic plague striking Europe. In 542 A.D., the plague ravaged the Roman empire of Justinian (and the plague may have been responsible for devastating Athens in 430 B.C.). During yet another wave of plague in 1894 in Asia, a Swiss-French bacteriologist named Alexandre Yersin discovered that the Yersinia pestis bacterium was the devil behind it. (Although some have questioned whether this bacterium was responsible for the medieval Black Death – the spread of which was uncommonly rapid – the consensus continues to favor Yersin.)

The plague has not been eradicated. But outbreaks today are few and isolated. In addition, there are readily available treatments, including the antibiotic Tetracycline (commonly prescribed to teenagers with severe acne). Nevertheless, it is always possible that antibiotic-resistant strains could one day become prevalent and that history could repeat itself again….